May 21, 2013

Blog Every Day in May | Days 18-21

Although I just had a long weekend and was complaining (a lot) about having nothing to do, I still fell behind on these posts (not that anyone is really keep up with them anyways) *cough*

DAY 18 | Story from your childhood
I often don't like to think too much about my childhood because not too many happy or pleasant memories live there. Every time I think back on who I was as a child, I cringe in embarrassment. I have, however decided to dig up an old childish story of something I used to do quite a lot that makes me laugh until this very day.

When I was younger, I used to be scared of random things. Most of them revolved around the destruction of my home. These things would generally take form of some sort of natural disaster. Now, here in Canada, we don't get much extreme weather, but that didn't stop my little childish brain from being scared. You name it: tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms and even fire! These things would freak me out.

Whenever we had thunderstorms during the day, I would run into my room, gather up all my toys, along with any duffle bags or grocery bags I had in my house and I would stuff all of my toys and stuffed animals into them and pretty much carry all of the contents of my room into the basement, where I believed I was safe. I remember doing this on many occasions and of course, in retrospect, I laugh at myself. I can definitely count various separate times where I've done this. Now, what would I do during a thunderstorm at night? (granted that I was still awake at this time. my bed time was usually 7:30) I believe I would hide underneath my blankets and shove my head under my pillow to mute the loud bangs of thunder and avoid the flashes of light. Sure enough, as I grew older, I grew less and less afraid of them and now I absolutely LOVE them! Something about them put me at peace.

DAY 19 | 5 Blogs that I love & why
Swatch & Learn
One of the best sites for nail polish swatches, plus Mary is a fellow Canadian and she's got such an amazing online personality.

Oh So Beautiful Paper
Amazing stationery designs! A site I love to visit when I'm in need of inspiration for any kinds of design.

Wit & Whistle
Love Amanda's blog and her creative project ideas. She has inspired me to do so much and I always look forward to every post she makes.

Alan Cross
I need my daily dose of music news and knowledge and I've been following Alan Cross on the radio for quite some time now. He is a music god and is one of the most intelligent and well rounded people in the industry. And yes, he's Canadian!

Fenua Beauté
I've been an online friend of Anna since our LJ days and I've seen her grow to her success now. She's absolutely amazing, talented and so accomplished. I admire all of her successes for someone so young. I probably annoy the crap out of her, but she's the reason why I got into the "blogger"sphere and I feel so proud seeing her grow lol

DAY 20 | Share something you're struggling with now
I feel like this has already been covered with my Day 16 post. Basically it's boredom and lack of creativity, but I'm working on that.

DAY 21 | List of favorite links in the archives
Bleeding Cowboys: The New Comic Sans or Worse?
Sally Hansen Salon Effects Video Tutorial
Hair Adventures I
Beauty Bloggers & Misconceptions about Lighting/Cameras | Part 1
Beauty Bloggers & Misconceptions about Lighting/Cameras | Part 2


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