It's Glossybox time! Here's what came in my August Glossybox.

And a closer look:

SEBASTIAN // Potion 9 Lite
This is a lightweight treatment styler that conditions, restores and enhances manageable styling. I don't really do any styling to my hair, but I will look forward to using it as a treatment. Full size of 150mL retails for $20.95CAD

BIORÉ // Make-up removing towlettes
Always love having as many different kinds of make-up removing wipes as possible! These wipes claim to lock onto dirt and waterproof mascara without leaving a greasy residue. Full size of 60 wipes retail for $14.99.

KRYOLAN FOR GLOSSYBOX // Lipstick in Glossybox Pink
Full size lipstick made ONLY for Glossybox members. Not my personal favorite color, but I do like the formula quite a bit.

LAYLA "SMALTI" BIJOU // Nail Polish Shade 107
This polish is inspired by a bold and beautiful Italian woman, and the collection is for those who "love to have fun and be daring with color". I really like this shade a lot. The brush is also wonderful as it is wide and allows for more coverage. This 4.5mL bottle retails for a whopping $11.99CAD

BEFINE // Fine Food Skin Care
Im so excited to try these! I have wanted to try these cool "food" masks for so long, and these samples are just perfect to do something nice for my skin. These retail for either $24-$30CAD.

TREND TRUNK // Mystery Gift Card
Not even sure what Trend Trunk is, but according to the info card, it's a website where you can buy or sell your clothes. Sounds pretty interesting. I tried redeeming my mystery card, but they're currently revamping the page? It says that every card has a value, so I'm assuming I got like $5?

I'm guessing this is a bonus sample. Apparently this particular band-aid was created to help us ladies fall in love with our "painful" shoes again. You know, the ones that dig into the back of your heels? I have some of those. Also, this band-aid helps blisters heal and it has an adhesive that will keep it on for days. Sounds amazing. A full pack of 5 bandages retail for $5.99CAD.
Overall, I'm super amazed with this month's box! There's such a generous amount of samples and what not, it makes me love Glossybox even more. I was a little disappointed because apparently I was supposed to receive a special box from Glossybox, but I did not get it. Ah well, I won't bother :P
ANYWAYS, you should definitely subscribe to this service because it IS WORTH IT. DO IT NOW. Sign up by clicking here for only $15 a month.
we basically got the same thing! Except different nail polish colours, super pleased with this month.
Pretty Pretty! mine was similar. This is my box