I have contemplated getting this for the longest time and I'm so glad that I did! Not only are the colors fantastic, but the deal is amazing!
Aside from the fact that this is eyeliner, what I love the most about this product is the whole line set up by Sephore and Pantone. Why? Because it's practically combining a bunch of my loves together! Pantone colors are an important aspect with graphic design and we designers need to know all about them when it comes to printing. Pantone colors are the most fascinating thing to us, especially the swatch books. Unfortunately they're not cheap! Pantone swatch books go for a few hundred. Every year Pantone kind of comes out with a new color of the year (whether it's a previously made color or completely new color, I'm not sure) and so, this year's color for 2012 is Tangerine Tango—a tangerine, orange color. And for those of you who don't already know, orange is my FAVORITE color!
Alright, getting back on track here, I adore this entire collection and I really had to keep myself from wanting to buy almost everything for my love of orange. I tried getting the most practical set. I'm not a blush junky and I wasnt really all impressed with the collection with the blush and eyeshadow quad, etc., and although I am slowly becoming a nail polish addict, I wanted something unique. You can find orange nail polish anywhere, so I thought that the eyeliner would be the best. I know that the collection also has some wicked false lashes, but like I said, I wanted practical.

The set comes with 3 long lasting eyeliners:
Tangerine Tango Twist (orange): Shimmery orange color
Meteorite (black): matte black
Chestnut (brown): matte dark brown
And guess what? ALL are Pantone colors! In Canada, the set retails for $26, which is $4 more than in the US, but it's still a good deal nonetheless. You may also purchase each color individually, however they retail for $14 CDN each. So essentially by purchasing the set, you're paying for the price of less than 2 of the liners. Awesome right?

( from L to R: meteorite, chestnut, tangerine tango twist )
I initially wanted to buy the liner for the orange for obvious reasons, but then I remembered that I wanted to try out brown eyeliner because I've always been told that it's not as harsh on people with blue eyes. And of course, black liner is essential to everyone's stash and you can never have too many.

All the eyeliners are twistable, so no sharpening required! Well, unless you want to shape the dull nub that will occur after continuous usage, in which a small sharpener is secretly provided at the end of the liner.
Lastly, and most importantly, how good is the quality of the liners? Beyond amazing! The liners have a really nice smooth application and are no joke, long lasting! It took a bit of effort with the makeup remover to get rid of it off my eyes. The orange is such a lovely, rich pigmented color that I absolutely adore and it surpassed my expectations. Not to mention that because I have blue eyes, it's a complimentary color, which makes my blue eyes pop out even more. The black and brown are just as beautiful and I love that they don't easily smudge. I'm always paranoid that whenever I sweat or lightly rub my eyes, that it'll smudge with it, thankfully it doesn't.

So do I recommend these? ABSOLUTELY! You should seriously get your hands on them before they disappear. Great value, great price and super great quality!

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