Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a good time over the holidays. I spent most of my time in the office, working or at home, working. All in all, it was still an enjoyable time and it's now back to reality.

Like December's box, this month's came with the mini magazine! Which was wonderful.

This month's box, as you can see is silver! It's also a special box because it was curated by the people at LouLou magazine! They even included tips and tricks in the box with the product info card.

Here's what's inside this month's box.

TRESEMME // Fresh Start Volumizing Dry Shampoo
Kind of disappointed to see this appear in this month's box. I have tried this particular brand of dry shampoo and I very much disliked it! I am very true to Batiste dry shampoo as it has proven itself worthy. Dry shampoo is a definite must for all women, especially those with specially colored hair—like me—to keep yourself from washing out your color too often.

AVEENO // Ultra-Calming Daily Moisturizer SPF 30
This specific product is made to calm the skin and soothe it from irritation, especially from dry skin. This is definitely perfect since it's now winter time and the air is cold and dry. I haven't used a lot of Aveeno products in the past, but this is a great start! And it's full size too!

AVEENO // Positively Radiant Tinted Moisturizer (fair to light)
I was glad to see that I was given the appropriate tone for my skin, but to my disappointment after trying it out on both my hand and face, it's still too dark for my porcelain skin. I also disliked the smell as well. I like the idea of tinted moisturizers with SPF, but I have my favorite BB cream that I use almost daily and love/am happy with. I appreciate the full size product of course, but I always seem to have the same problem with a lot of the fairer tones of north american skin products.

AVON // Lip Radiance Lip Gloss in Silver Foil
Beautiful lipgloss and formula! I was happy to receive the non-pigmented gloss that I got. I'm not a huge wearer of lipgloss, but I will wear it if it's clear to a pale pink/nude color. This is a full color and it has such a cool applicator tip! Really neat. Avon has come a long way with their products and are changing my view of them.

REVLON // Nail Enamel in Just Scarlet
Hooray for nail polish! Always a nice surprise. Unfortunately it's not a color I like. For me, pinks and reds are too normal or too old fashioned for me. I think of old ladies when I see a bright red like this. Thankfully I have a mother who doesn't complain much about certain colors.

GLOSSYBOX // Fake Lashes
I'm so impressed with Glossybox's line of personal products. The addition of false lashes is wonderful and unique. I'm not huge on wearing false lashes, but I really like these! They're thick and lush and look good for a night out or a part of some sort. Can't wait to try these!

TRESEMME // Split Remedy Sachet
Again, I'm not overly impressed with Tresemme's products. In fact, I think that whole "salon quality" gimmick is just that: a gimmick. I've been buying salon quality products and have never experienced the same quality with Tresemme. The idea of having a shampoo to repair split ends sounds wonderful however. I probably won't try this right away or it might end up in my "travel" pile.

As a special gift to their subscribers, Glossybox decided to include a pair of these earrings in everyone's box as it was a "golden ticket" item in last month's box. They also included another golden ticket item in this months, but I didn't get it. I believe only 50 subscribers do. Anyways, these earrings are okay in my opinion. I'm just glad they're not tacky, dangling earrings because I can't wear those. I have 16 piercings (15 minus my labret) in my ears so it won't look very nice. I also don't like taking my earrings out so yay. I also like that these studs are small enough to not take up 2 holes on my ears, because I find a lot of earrings these days are pretty huge.
So that's it and that's all! Once again, Glossybox succeeds and I am happy with the selection. I also like that they allowed LouLou to curate the box this month. I definitely think they should continue that in the future for different companies.
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